This Is Me
This Is Me
It’s been 1 week since I have seen The Greatest Showman and I could still cry thinking about it.
If you haven’t seen the movie, I highly recommend it. I will not go into detail and ruin the movie for you but it’s important for you to understand the concept of the movie so you understand my inspiration for this post.
The Greatest Showman is inspired by P.T. Barnum and his showcase of “human curiosities” (think tattooed man, bearded lady, etc.)
A huge part of this movie is these said “human curiosities”. There is a scene where the misfits break into song (it is a musical after all). This is by far my favorite part of this movie. I downloaded the soundtrack and have been listening to this song on repeat all week, singing at the top of my lungs. These lyrics are so incredibly powerful, which is why I have decided to write this blog post.
“I am brave, I am bruised, I am who I’m meant to be, this is me.”
Personally, I have things of my past that I don’t open up about often. Some of my closest friends don’t know these stories yet. I felt like I wouldn’t be understood and that I had done something wrong to bring that darkness to my life. Sitting here now, I am reflecting on situations I feel I got myself into. Maybe if I hadn’t been at that party, maybe if I hadn’t had that drink, maybe if I would have taken the different job, maybe if I had surrounded myself with different people, maybe if I would have responded different, maybe if I would have stood up for myself.. maybe then I wouldn’t be sitting here broken and bruised. There were years I felt alone and ashamed of what I’ve been through. I tucked that memory in the box with a deadbolt, shoved in the back of the closet, on the top shelf and had no plans of ever opening it. But something happened.. women started opening up. Women found their strength and told their “dirty little secret”. And you know what, that lead to more women opening up. That led to women supporting each other and lifting each other up instead of the tearing down I feared for years.
Why did I create Bold Female? I want to connect women with each other. I want to create a safe space to share stories. I want to create a space for healing and encouragement. I want to create a space for uplifting, encouragement & empowerment.
With healing comes OWNING it. Own your past, own your circumstances, don’t let them own you.
You are a survivor.
You are brave.
You are strong.
You are encouraging.
You are gorgeous.
You are BOLD.
We all have things we don’t put on our name tag at a meet in greet.. “Hi, my name is Jane and I struggle with infertility”. Could you imagine? Walking around with that? Oh wait.. you do regardless of it being written on a name tag. Maybe opening up to others will give you healing. Maybe it will encourage someone else to open up about their infertility. Maybe you two will share a bond that many of us could never understand, because we haven’t been there. But someone has and is. And your story could be just what they need to hear to not feel alone.
This is a safe place. If you would like to share your story, please contact me.
“So let us keep on coming boldly to the throne of grace, so that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.”
— Hebrews 4:16