What Does It Mean to be a Bold Female?
What does it mean to be a bold female?
I would like to start by saying this.. Bold Female is not an “anti-male” group. We are just fierce supporters of women! I for one, have an amazing partner who has supported all my dreams. He has encouraged me time and time again to be the very best version of myself. He pushes me to reach for more and supports me being a strong female.
Okay, now that we got that out of the way.. I want you to read that definition of bold up there at the top.
Being a Bold Female, you are a risk taker. You are confident and courageous. You have a strong or vivid appearance. You dream big and act on these dreams, even when they scare you. A Bold Female takes little actions every day (or most days because let’s be honest, PMS can be a real bitch) to become a better version of herself. Here’s the thing, I believe every single one of you qualifies as a Bold Female. You might be thinking you wish you could take risks, or you wish you had the above traits. Guess what, you do! All of us just need to be reminded and encouraged from time to time.
The whole “needing a reminder” from time to time, that’s the real reason Bold Female was founded. This is a community. In this community we welcome diversity with open arms. We thrive in a team environment. We recognize that we can make a bigger impact by lifting others up. We are the cheerleaders in each other’s lives.
It’s hard AF to make friends as a grown woman. Heck, even as a young woman, girls can be brutal. Luckily for me, I had a mom, grandma, sisters and girlfriends I could turn to growing up. But what about the girls who don’t have that? I dreamt of creating a community of sisters who all felt welcome. A community of women that are here to support and encourage each other. Here we are all the mom, grandma, sister, best friend. I recognize that I don’t have all the answers or the experience to coach you through your trial which is why I believe it is incredibly important to host a community of diverse women. Will you please do us all the honor of joining our sisterhood?